Grey Pack Bowley Camp 2024

Grey Pack Bowley Camp 2024

Grey Pack Cubs had a wonderful time over the weekend of the 17th to the 19th May on their Summer Camp at Bowley Scout Campsite.  They stayed in the Lodge and played games with Red Troop Scouts on the Friday evening, followed by hotdogs and songs round the campfire. On...
Akela Trophy 2024

Akela Trophy 2024

On Saturday 27th April, 12 Cub Scouts from Purple and Grey Pack took part in the Akela Trophy competition. This is a District competition in which teams of 6 take part in several challenges and tasks in a bid to win the most points. A total of 6 teams from 7 Groups...
Purple Pack Grip & Go 2023

Purple Pack Grip & Go 2023

Split over two separate weeks, Purple Pack Cubs visited Grip & Go at the Adrenaline Centre in Haslingden. A variety of climbing walls proved to be no challenge for the Cubs who eagerly tackled each one throughout the evening. Even the Leap of Faith proving to be...
AGM & Celebration of Achievement Event 2023

AGM & Celebration of Achievement Event 2023

We are pleased to announce that Sienna has been awarded the Jean Smith Award as our outstanding Scouter of the Year. Bev Pickering-Smith, the daughter who reviewed all eight nominations for the Award commented that she had chosen Sienna because “the resilience...
St George’s Day Parade 2023

St George’s Day Parade 2023

To celebrate St George the Patron Saint of England and of Scouting and to celebrate our founder Lord Baden-Powell, Squirrel Scouts, Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Scouts from the 38th Rossendale joined other Scouters from Rossendale to mark the occasion.  Due to the...

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