The Friends of 38th are a group of parents who meet approximately once a month for a couple of hours to plan and help raise funds so that the 38th Leaders can continue to improve the facilities that all members of the 38th Rossendale Scout Group are able to enjoy.
We would like to improve our strength by inviting parents to become part of the group of friends. All we need is a small amount of your time each month.
Since its formation the Friends of the 38th have introduced a number of fundraising initiatives including the monthly 100-club draw, the “penny pinching” boxes and a Group Auction that alone raised more than £1000 for the Group.
Our main fundraising aim at the moment is to contribute towards the re-building of the Groups Quartermasters store. This will be a long-term project but the Friends contribution along with funding from elsewhere will be essential to this project.
We would welcome new members to our meetings. Perhaps you can bring along some new ideas and new skills, all of which we value very much.
Speak to your Section Leader or use the contact form for more information.