Well, done to the Scouts from the 38th Rossendale who won the Rossendale District BP Trophy Competition.
The event that took place at the Bowley Scout Campsite on Saturday 19th October saw them competing against six other Groups.
The team of six consisted of two Scouts from Grey Troop, one from Purple Troop and three from Red Troop. They quickly got to know each other and worked superbly well together.
They were presented with seven varying challenges.
Their first challenge was to build a camp chair using a pioneering technique.
Next on to Archery, Anna being the star of the Bow and Arrow.
A Map Reading exercise was to follow.
Their next challenge was to put up a tent with five of the team being blindfolded and the remaining team member giving verbal instructions.
Fire lighting and making a hot drink with a Kelly Kettle was a welcome activity for the team.
The two final challenges were the building of a stretcher using a climbing rope and the building of a marble track the aim being to get the fastest time for the marble to travel the length into the bucket.
Winning by just four points everyone was delighted with the outcome and the team should be very proud of themselves.
More photos from the event can be viewed in our Facebook album here.
The Scouts were not the only ones with success this year, the Beavers won the District Akeema Shield Competition, and the Cubs won the District Akela Trophy Competition.
Many congratulations to all the competitors.