Red Troop Camp (September 2022)
Red Troop Camp (September 2022)

Over the weekend of 23rd-25th September 2022, 21 Scouts 3 Young Leaders and 6 Leaders from Red Scout Troop camped at Bowley International Scout Camp.  After setting up the tents and kitchens they played wide games in the dark while the Leaders got the kettles on.  After Hot Chocolate and camp cake they sloped off to bed as the temperature had dropped to around 5-6 degrees. 

Red Troop Camp (September 2022)
Red Troop Camp (September 2022)
Red Troop Camp (September 2022)
Red Troop Camp (September 2022)

After a very cold night it was ‘up and at em’ for breakfast, flag break and the first of their day’s activities.  On the cards were Jacob’s ladder (a teamwork climbing task) and Splatterpults (shooting at targets using paint balls with catapults) in the morning and crate stacking (another teamwork climbing challenge with a lot of balance required) and air rifles in the afternoon.

Late afternoon they visited the camp shop and refilled their sugar levels.

Before Tea the Friday Scouts dance troop struck again doing their best to wear out the Scouts in a hope they would sleep later that night. 

A meal of burgers and sausages (with salad) was wolfed down followed by the remains of the camp cake and hot drinks before it was off back to the tents for a good doze.

Red Troop Camp (September 2022)
Red Troop Camp (September 2022)

Sunday they were given a little lie in yet still managed to be on time for breakfast and flag break them we all set to pack up the site and get the tents down, clean the kitchen equipment and pick up the rubbish. Some scouts managed to do some paracording with Di as they waited for their family to pick them up.

Big thankyous to Rob and Nathan for instructing, the Explorer leaders that joined us to lend a hand, Logan for doing most of the organising and running of Camp and to the rest of the team for being their usual brilliant selves, we can’t do it without you.

See you on the next Camp Logan and Pete.

For more photos view our Facebook Album here.

Red Troop Camp (September 2022)
Red Troop Camp (September 2022)

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