Our young members, their families and our Guest of Honour, The Mayor of Rossendale – Councillor Trevor Unsworth enjoyed an evening of fun at our annual Family Beetle Drive.  The event raised just over £100 from entrance fees and refreshments.

A further £281 was raised from our Easter Egg Draw, tickets of for which were sold via the Sections on the night.  The winning ticket details are on the right.

A big thank you to everyone who supported the Group on these two fundraising efforts.

The winning Easter Egg tickets were:

  1. Orange Ticket – 556-560
  2. Yellow Ticket – 666-670
  3. Yellow Ticket – 901-905
  4. Orange Ticket – 41-45
  5. Orange Ticket – 121-125
  6. Orange Ticket – 571-575
  7. Orange Ticket – 516-520
  8. Pink Ticket – 231-235
  9. Yellow Ticket – 791-795
  10. Pink Ticket – 156-160
  11. Pink Ticket – 311-315
  12. Orange Ticket – 221-225
  13. Orange Ticket – 21-25

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