Pictured are some Cubs who have taken part in the Rotary Club annual shoe box collection. The Cubs were asked to bring in items that would be sent to less fortunate children in other parts of the world. Early next year the Pack are expecting a visit from a Rotarian who will tell them more about the scheme. Also pictured is “Bertha” the three legged Hedgehog and “Ghost” the Barn Owl. The Pack enjoyed an informative presentation by Sue Lewis of the Rochdale Hedgehog Rescue Society – http://www.hedgehogrescue.org.uk/ Sue explained in detail the life of a hedgehog and its feeding habits. They were told how milk should not be given to hedgehogs because it makes them ill. However cat and dog food is good for them! The Cubs were also told what to do if they found an injured hedgehog and how Bertha lost her leg in an accident with a garden strimmer. Time rapidly ran out but the Cubs still had chance to meet the animals close up for a stroke (!) before the end of their meeting. |